Thursday, May 29, 2008


I know i'm writing a bit late in the week, but the weekend was good. Got to jammin with the old band and came up with some cool tunes. Learned how to play the classic Bob Marley Jammin had a good time. On the other hand, not a good time to be biking when i'm really sore from weights this past Monday, i haven't biked at all. On Friday i should bounce back on the bike to commute.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Unreachable rungs

Friday was prime weather conditions to not go to work. Nevertheless, being the work-perfectionist that I am, I attended work and it went bad. Rain!!! Rain+Cardboard-1 employee=Not so happy workers. The company doesn't seem to care as to provide some shelter for the products that are being shipped, therefore I don't think i should take it to heart when they don't care. But i do. Stress is inevitable. Gotta work on that. The management strata seems unreachable when the lowly/union employee has the right intentions to better the work place.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Body Heat

I punched out at 10:04 pm, got my things in order and began the commute. It's a cold night here in San Diego, especially when going at an average speed of 25mph heading west on Olympic Parkway. Very Cold! I made the right choice for taking my road bike today, although i must say i need to bring a change of clothes, at least a t-shirt. They say it might rain tomorrow, i guess i'll drive to work.

Delice de Sureau

The first thing that i saw when i turned on my pc, the postcard i received from my girlfriend (Selene) "St~Germain - Delice de Sureau. It's a photograph of two women caressing their gluteus maximus in a very erotic/innocent way in a 20's setting. The other side tells us of a recipie of the St-Germain Cocktail: Champagne, Liqueur, sparkling water, and garnish. While i look at the postcard, i get reminded by the man in the middle with the bicycle that I need to get ready and prepare for my commute to work.